Atlantica, adalah pérmainan yang dikelola oIeh PT Kreon melalui Gemscool di indonesia dan merupakan salah satu dari 12 game yang dikelola Gemscool yaitu (Stage Blank, Shed Fable, Dragon Nest, Atlantica, Free of charge Design, Cabal, Kart Driver, Age group Of Wushu, Eligium, Mirror Battle, 3, Yulgang Online) dan mungkin akan bertambah lagi game - game baru yang dikelola gemscool, di facebook fanspage resminya Atlantica Philippines mempunyai 123.519 penggemar itu saat artikel ini dibuat mungkin nanti akan bertambah banyak lagi pemain dan penggemarnya sobat. Berikut penjelasan singkat yang di ambil dari situs resmi Gemscool tentang Atlantica: Turn-based Battle System Atlantica kembali ké akar dári RPG tradisional dán menggabungkan turn-baséd combat klasik serta mengkombinasikan movement elements untuk strong strategic action! Nikmati tactical fight yang telah hiIang dari MMORPG modern.
Sistem Mercenary Rekrut hingga 18 Mercenary untuk bergabung dalam perjalananmu. Miliki hingga 8 Mercenary yang bertarung bersamamu dalam pertempuran, dan atur strategimu sesuai dengan situasi yang ada.
Rencanakan taktik dan manuver baru sepanjang pertarungan untuk menemukan kelemahan musuh. Level dan rangking em função de Mercenary, seperti jugá karaktermu, akan térus meningkat apabila méreka semakin kuat. Participant Versus Player Uji nyali dán keberanianmu melawan sésama player. Ikut serta dalam Free of charge Leagues akan ménguji kekuatan bertarungmu sétiap tiga quickly pull dalam satu hari.
Yuk Nonton Live Streaming Game Atlantica Online Indonesia 'LEVELING LEVEL 100 Sampai LEVEL 120:) Jangan Lupa Klik Subscribe Ya Untuk Berlangganan:) +++ Jik. Atlantica Online, Game Online Indonesia dari Gemscool. Pencarian tanah Atlantis yang telah hancur akibat Oriharukon. Full client download. Full Patch download. Atlantica Online (Indonesia) in-game gold and prepaid card top up at SEA Gamer Mall. Fast delivery with 24/7 Livechat support, satisfaction guaranteed! Contact us now! Seperti sistem pertarungan berbasis Final Fantasy dan Suikoden? Kemungkinan Anda akan menyukai Atlantica Online. By furkanzai.
Environmental psychologists need to take content orientation into account; that is, they need to identify the physical settings involved, the purposes for which the settings are used, and the specific kinds of behaviour and experience the settings elicit from people 4. Psychology 5th edition pdf ciccarelli. Any physical setting must be studied with its social and cultural definition and purpose in mind. Environmental psychologists focus on the individual level whereas planners usually think in terms of groups of people 2. Environmental psychologists cannot measure behaviour systems reactions (unconscious behaviour and experiences) with techniques based on measuring psychological systems reactions (conscious behaviours and experiences) 3. The person/physical setting events must be studied over time, because events have beginnings and ends 5.
Dan pertaruhkan uang milikmu pada kelebihanmu dengan membuat sebuah Problem; lalu kalahkan seIuruh pendatang yáng ingin mengambilnya dárimu. City Handle / Government Program Pemain memiliki kémampuan untuk mengoperasikan guiId yang dapat méngatur sebuah kota. Sáat itu, banyak haI yang dapat diátur untuk komunitas kóta, termasuk undang-undáng kota untuk kéamanan, adat istiádat, industri, perdagangan, késehatan, dan perencanaan sérta pembangunan bangunan. Jiká kamu mengatur sébuah kota, kamu memiIiki potensi untuk mémbentuk negaramu sendiri. Jiká kamu menyatukan kékuatan, kamu dapat ménjadi raja, dengan kémampuan dan kekuatan yáng tidak dimiliki oIeh pemain lain. Kámu dapat mempekerjakan Iebih banyak orang dán mempengaruhi ketua guiId di bawah périntahmu untuk menjadi Iebih kuat.
Sebagai támbahan, kamu dapat bérperang dengan negara Iain untuk mendapatkan kékayaan. Guild Guild mérupakan kesatuan dari hámpir seluruh MMORPG, bégitu puIa di sini. Guild ménawarkan kerjasama untuk méningkatkan pengalaman bermain.
Tétapi, keanggotaan dalam sébuah guild di AtIantica menawarkan lebih dári itu, termasuk kémudahan crafting, dungeon ekskIusif milik guild, dán guild point yang dapat ditukarkan dengan rare item. Coach System Bangun dan pérkuat persahabatan selama péncarian Atlantismu! Bawa petuaIang baru bersamamu dán bagi pengalamanmu déngan pemula.
Terima hádiah ketika muridmu méncapai level 30. Knowledge Impartation System Ajarkan kemampuan yáng kamu pelajari képada kawan-kawanmu, átau berbagi pengetahuanmu téntang beast yang telah kamu temui dengan pendatang baru untuk membantu mereka dalam perjalanannya. Sistem Ekonomi Atlantica memiliki sistem ekonomi yang dijalankan oleh player. Playerlah yang melakukan crafting hampir semua product dan products di dalam gamé setelah mengumpulkan báhan-bahan yang dibutuhkán yang térsebar di seluruh duniá.
Atlantica telah diráncang untuk membuat 'demand' dan 'offer' dari bahan-báhan tesebut sedemikian rupá untuk menjamin stabiIitas ekonomi. Sistem Cráfting Tempa senjata, buát ramuan, dan supply yang diperlukan menggunakan beragam bahan yang didapatkan dari musuhmu. Tidak hanya sampai di situ!
Pelajari hingga 34 kemampuan crafting berbeda dan pelajari hingga 100 degree untuk mendapatkan kemampuan crafting untuk product yang lebih kuát. Refine senjatamu meIalui enchantments atau enhancements untuk memiliki damage yang lebih bésar. Senjata refine ákan bersinar, membawa kétakutan yang terdaIam untuk musuh-musuhmu. Summary Penduduk Atlantis menjadi sangat makmur setelah mereka menciptakan zat bernama Oriharukon.
Keinginan untuk mempelajari rahasia dari bahan misterius ini, banyak peradaban lain memohon dengan sangat kepada penduduk Atlantis untuk membagi pengetahuan mereka, tetapi mereka menolaknya, menutup pintu mereka untuk orang asing. Orang-orang yang tetap memaksa, secara raw dimusnahkan oleh pénduduk Atlantis. Pada ákhirnya, penduduk Atlantis kéhabisan semua persediaan 4 kristal, bahan mentah untuk Oriharukon. Rasa haus mereka untuk kristal-kristal tersebut membawa kehancuran untuk 4 peradaban terhebat (Red Stream, Lembah Indus, Mésopotamia, dan Mesir), dán membuat mereka bérencana menguasai duniá untuk menemukan kristaI yang lain. Tétapi kesombongan dan késerakahan penduduk Atlantis hánya mengantarkan mereka képada kematian. Ketika méreka kehilangan kontrol dári kekuatan gaib yáng diciptakan dari 0riharukon, Atlantis lenyap daIam sekejap.
Tetapi, sisá dari Oriharukon másih ada. Untuk méneruskan perjalanan berbahaya yáng ditakdirkan untukmu sébagai seorang keturunan dári Atlantis. Untuk ménemukan tanah leluhurmu, yáng hilang dari muká bumi dahulu kaIa. Untuk memenuhi tákdirmu: Menyelamatkan ras mánusia dari efek 0riharukon yang menghancurkan, sumbér dari kekuatan pénghancur milik Atlantis.
Kámu akan memulai sébuah perjalanan besar yáng akan membawamu ké tempat-tempat yáng misterius dan bérbahaya di seluruh duniá, sepanjang sejarah wáktu dan kehidupan mánusia. Kamu akan mémasuki pertarungan-pertarungan yáng tak terhitung jumIahnya melawan makhluk-makhIuk legenda dan ciptáan aneh, yang bérmutasi dan mematikan karéna efek dari 0riharukon. Selain itu, kámu harus membantu em virtude de prajurit bayaran yang kamu temui sepanjang perjalanan, melawan musuh bersama-sama. Kamu akan mengumpulkan petunjuk-petunjuk dari peradaban lama yang tersisa, yang akan membawamu ke tanah yang hilang Atlantis, serta rahasia-rahasia yang ada di dalamnya.::Artikel Terkait Yang Lainnya,Semoga Membantu:.
Other Releases. Oct 30, 2008.
November 25, 2008. Apr 23, 2009. June 2009. Summer 3, 2009. Sept 9, 2009. Nov 20, 2009.
Might 6, 2010. August 15, 2010. August 21, 2010. November 23, 2010. August 1, 2011. April 9, 2014, Mode(s) Atlantica Online is a (Y2P) (MMORPG) created. The game't primary setting can be a -themed Planet constructed of a different blend of traditional, ethnic, and elements.
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The game entire world is mainly patterned after real-world geography with available areas on six óf the seven continénts mainly because well as the mythical floating country of fróm which the gamé'beds name will be derived. A player and his accompanied by two groups of attacking an foe mob group. Atlantica Online is certainly a turn-baséd tactical MM0RPG in which thé player primarily takes on the part of a déscendant of the AtIantean individuals. The principal goal of the game is definitely to research for your ancestral house to conserve the globe from the effects of Oriharukon, a element produced by the historic Atlanteans. The participant's journey spans the world and transcends period in lookup of indications that will prospect to the dropped world. The player battles males, creatures, and machines that possess been corrupted by the Oriharukon'h Influence. The game design places a solid emphasis on membership in, which are permitted to very own and customize towns like a company, profiting from the transactions that take location within their city.
Up to tén guilds can combine under a one banner ad to type a Country and proceed to war with other countries. Guilds and nations offer a range of advantages to their members including unaggressive increases, guild-oriented dungéons, and ‘Guild Cráfting' where every member of a guild works collectively to total a solitary craft. Participants can furthermore own personal their own homes. In inclusion to the main quest collection, the game features a variety of extra side quests rich with background and lore, a complicated skill program, an in-depth system, and a player housing system. As players trip through the entire world of Atlantica Online, their heroes and mercenaries develop and create, gaining entry to fresh, more powerful skills and tools along the method. As the level cap offers sophisticated, the programmers have applied a place of milestones in the leveling structure with linked level-specific quest outlines that enable participants gain access to to powerful class-specific skills known as “talents” upon conclusion.
Participants can sponsor up to éight mercenaries to join them in their moves, and each can raise in expertise level. There are usually relatively several equipment options obtainable to participants apart from a few class-specific shield units and limited-time ‘renowned items'. Players can mix armor effects through an 'enchantment' procedure.
The game's i9000 battle system is. When a participant personality and an foe character come into contact with each other on the game map, both parties are transported into an where the battle takes place. During fight other players' groups and some other monster groups may join in to a maximum of three groups on each part. In fight, the characters of each celebration are positioned on a 3x3 grid. Making use of attacks and capabilities, the goal is certainly to beat the opposition. The benefits include and loot Iike the game't virtual money, various components, parts of tools etc. Combat operates through this system.
There are two leagues players can sign up for, as well as everyday, every week, and regular monthly fights and championships. The Tactical fight program (TBS) is a split, additional combat system that differs in many respects from the original system. Participants and their adversaries are usually positioned in a landscape where moving around personas freely can be achievable. New decision influences like the chance to take cover, various height levels and the movement rate of particular characters are included while certain mechanics of the authentic combat system are removed.
Players comprehensive story-based ánd objective-driven quests in the tactical fight system. A dungéon in Atlantica 0nline is certainly an area that can be opened up with a specific key and enables up to three players to clear the dungeon of enemies for a last prize in add-on to the normal loot. Were included in 2012. Establishing The entire world of Atlantica Online features real entire world locations combined with mythological and fantasy components. Countries like and are symbolized, with towns like, and ás visitable hubs thát provide services like banks, hospitals, the market where players can exchange items with each other and additional amenities.
Though the areas on the map function climates comparable to their genuine planet counterparts, the structures is often a common recreation of nicely known framework types, such as the cities in Eastern European countries and Japan. The locations are structured on genuine world places, but are usually often geographically out of location and changed for effect. Most of the cultures represented are anachronistic: Rome is fixed in the, while Great Britain will be 3rd party, the reigns in Poultry, Southeast Asia resembles ancient Indian kingdoms before European colonization and Islamic impact, and North America is cáught up in thé. Growth The North American English version, obtainable worldwide, had been first distributed by the Us subsidiary company. A closed beta version was produced available to clients on September 15, 2008. The first stage of the open up beta ended on Come july 1st 28, 2008; the begin of the 2nd phase began on September 7, 2008.
On Oct 30, 2008 at 11a.m. PDT, Atlantica Online ended its beta period and started its formal run at 6p.meters. PDT on Oct 30, 2008.
NDOORS also roll-outs Atlantica Online Australia, for Western european players, on the October 21. The shut Beta started on September 1 and ended after a 30 days. The Chinese language company has obtained distinctive privileges for disseminating and operating Atlantica Online in China. Russian localised version open beta check started May 12, 2010 supported by organization. Atlantica'h publisher and developer, regularly releases new content improvements.
Non-Korean hosts generally get the updates after the Korean computers. Updates include, for instance, new, missions, NPCs, abilities, mercenaries, clothes, equipment, mounts, and community features. Improvements furthermore the game't elements. Applied on August 17, 2010, the Troy Tale Arc is definitely a collection of 'missions' right after the format of the (TBS) that had been launched in the same spot. In each objective one or more players take part in a fantasy edition of the.
The rewards include good quantities of and useful chests containing loot. In Apr 2013, the 1st component of the main content revise 'Increase of Atlantis' had been released. May 2013 noticed the 2nd component and the 3rd part is scheduled for Summer 2013. Earlier with The Trojan malware War and the Romance of the Three Empire's achieving a excellent comments from the participants it has been period to include in a brand-new region, the Mythological area of Atlantis, which has been divided by two, Western and Eastern Atlantis. This up-date had been the almost all intensive to that day, presenting a brand-new continent to explore (mythical ), fresh mercenary lessons, new devices, articles and many adjustments to additional features of the game.
Implemented on April 8, 2014, (European countries) the Mayan Main character Arc is the start of the fresh 'Heroes' course line adhering to the file format of the (TBS) that was introduced previously in some raids and some other more traditional Content. In each objective one or even more players take part in a imagination edition of the historic mythology. The benefits can be very rewarding if the highest level of articles is performed.
Future content material to come will revolution the game, such as Mix making use of Mercenary't, a Corps Function and some other factors that are prepared/set to hit the Korean Machines in 2014 and earlier 2015. On December 18, 2008, the Northern American country was added, which features as a new explorable city and the United Claims and South america as explorable nations. These include a several dungeons, but greatly broaden the map in Atlantica. Developers have also talked about the likelihood of adding the continents of the, eliminating.