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Fond de l'Etang is a boarding school for troubled boys located in the French countryside. In the mid-twentieth century, it is run by the principal M. Rachin, an egotistical disciplinarian whose official unofficial mantra for the school is action - reaction, meaning that there will be severe consequences for any boy out of line. This approach does not seem to be working as the boys. Product Description. The Chorus (Les Choristes), written and directed by Christophe Barratier, is already a French cinema phenomenon. The modestly budgeted film about a music teacher in a post-war France who wins over the troubled students at a boarding school arrived in French theatres last summer with little advance hype. Download film the chorus les choristes. The Chorus Torrents (2004). The new teacher at a severely administered boys' boarding school works to positively affect the students' lives through music. Les choristes (Original Title). Watch The Chorus - Les Choristes online at IOMovies. Set in 1948, a professor of music, Clement Mathieu, becomes the supervisor at a boarding school for the rehabilitation for minors. Watch Online Free Download Les Choristes movie. Set in 1948, a professor of music, Clement Mathieu, becomes the supervisor at a boarding school.
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Artist: 湘南乃風 Name (Record): 湘南乃風 2023 Release Day: 2013.03.06 内容紹介: '湘南乃風'デビュー10周年を飾る、約4年ぶりとなる5tl Album! 2012年6月に発売されi-Tunes、着うた、着うたフルで1位を獲得した'湘南乃風'の真骨頂とも言える「炎天夏」、また、テレビ東京系ドラマ24『クローバー』エンディングテーマにもなっている「白詰草」、PSP用ゲーム'クロヒョウ2 龍が如く 阿修羅編'主題歌でもある「Given birth to to end up being WILD」をはじめ、11月には'湘南乃風'初のX'mas Love Tuneとしてリリースされた「雪月花」を含む全14曲収録。 Tracklist 1.
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